Travel Talk with Roshan: Traveling & Blogging from Sydney, Australia
I’m back with the second installment in my travelers interview series, and today I chat with fellow travel blogger and Sydney resident, Roshan from Roshan’s Ramblings.

Roshan on her honeymoon in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Hi Roshan! Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born in England, but grew up in Australia and now live in Sydney. I have been blogging for one year on travel and life opinions. This month I had a travel article on Tasmanian wineries published on the Australian Traveller website, which was very exciting. Read more here.
Congratulations on that! What inspired you to travel?
My parents always travelled and dragged me along with them from the age of six months, so it was inevitable that I would fall in love with travelling.
What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken? What made it so special?
One of the best trips was travelling back to Koh Lanta, Thailand to get married on the beach where we had gotten engaged one year earlier. It was special because all our close friends and family made the trek to share a week of fun times with us.

Roshan’s wedding in Thailand
Wow, that sounds amazing. What advice would you give to people hoping to live a life of travel like you have?
You have to be prepared to make travel a priority over material items. Or be really rich so that you can do both!
What are the top spots you still have on your bucket list?
Machu Picchu and the Salar de Uyuni in South America, and seeing more of the Pacific Northwest Coast in the USA.

In Ljubljana, Slovenia
Thanks, Roshan! Check out her blog, Roshan’s Ramblings, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Want to be a part of my traveler interview series? Let me know!
I thought this was an interview with a rider of Rohan. Very disappointed.
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