¿Adónde voy?
Today in Italian class, we did an exercise where we described a trip around the world, and this got me thinking about studying abroad next year, more specifically about traveling around Europe while I’m in Spain. So I’ve decided to make a list of places I want to go while I’m in España, more or less in order of how important these places are to visit.
Cities in Spain
- GRANADA (You really think I would go to Spain and not visit the geographical love of my life?)
- Sevilla (hopefully during Semana Santa)
- Barcelona
- Córdoba (if Sara is living there)
Other countries
- Italy (at least Rome, if not other cities as well)
- Portugal (probably Lisbon)
- France (Paris)
- Scotland/Ireland (if possible — I don’t know how easy it is to get to the UK from Madrid)
- Switzerland (I’m torn on this one, because I don’t know how easy it would be to get the same amazing experience I did this summer, because it’s difficult to travel to those beautiful rural areas.)
- Morocco (Possibly. I’ll see what other people say about it, because that girl at the EAP office didn’t like it.)
- Maybe Germany
Still haven’t heard back from the EAP office. Grr. Don’t they know I check my UCLA email constantly with hopes of hearing back from them?