Category: Other

Rome, Italy

Ciao, Roma! Easter Week in Italy

We may live in the era of social media, where news is instantaneous thanks to constantly updated Twitter and Facebook feeds. When an earthquake hits California, I am immediately alerted by a flurry of...

Koala, Brisbane, Australia

From 462 to 457: Australian Work Visa Approved!

Well, Australia, you better get used to me, because, last week, my 457 sponsored work visa was approved! My plan in Australia all along was uncertain. Although my working holiday visa was valid for...

Menorca, Spain

The Enchanting Winter Ghost Island of Menorca

Menorca in the winter seriously could have been a nightmare. Last January, after the thrill of booking round-trip flights for €15 plus a big apartment for €12 per night per person started to die...

London at Christmas

London Calling Once More

London just couldn’t keep me away last year. With my sister spending a semester there and me only a short hop away, I met up with my dad’s side of the family there, only...