Category: Other

Safe travel tips

Seven and a Half Tips for Safe Travel

I encourage everyone I know to travel as much as possible, but when you’re out there seeing the world, it’s important to be a smart traveler. Today’s guest post comes from Sheila Kurdinger, who shares...

A Month in Australia

Yesterday marked one month since I arrived in Australia, and time has flown by like mad. Here’s a taste of what I’ve done since arriving in Sydney: Found, after grueling hours of apartment hunting,...

Weird Facts About Australia

I’ve been in Australia for 17 days now, but I still have a lot to learn about my new home. Fortunately, today I have Richard Daniel as a guest writer, who has some fun...

Sydney: Twelve Days In

Well hellooooo readers, and I apologize for the long absence, but I’ve just been doing this crazy thing called picking up and moving to Sydney, Australia. And here I am! Not gonna lie, the...