Dusting Off the Cobwebs
There was a time in my life, way back in the ancient days of 2015, when I worked on this blog every. single. day. Giddy over my steady readership growth, bolstered by local blogger meetups, nostalgic for past trips, and buzzing with anticipation for future adventures, I mapped out an ambitious editorial calendar and published three posts a week. Three posts that were thoroughly researched, creatively written, carefully edited, search engine optimized, and thoughtfully paired with personal photos.

I wish I could say this was a photo of me passionately blogging from my stylish Mexico City Airbnb in September and not just me doing corporate work.
Ten years later, it’s not unusual for me to go months on end without even a glance at WordPress. Three posts a week? Try three posts a year—if that. The commitment I once had to this blog has faltered, and I can’t exactly pinpoint why.
Is it that traditional, long-form blogging has fallen out of favor with the masses? Is it knowing that for every post I painstakingly craft, some travel publisher is churning out thousands of AI-generated articles in minutes? Is it no longer having the naive gusto of a 25-year-old? Whatever the reason, just the thought of compiling my annual travel recap exhausts me. (That, my friends, is why we’ve reached March and my typical end-of-year review is nowhere to be found. Then again, I published my 2021 recap in June, so, by those standards, I’ve got toooons of time.)
When I finally fired up my long-neglected WordPress tonight, the rust was obvious. So here I am, easing back in with a mini post just to a) say hi after an absurdly long hiatus and b) dust off the cobwebs in the hopes that starting small will help me get back into the swing of things.
So, hi! Long time no see! Hope you’re all doing well! I’m still here, and I hope to see you again soon with more substantial content. Thanks for humoring me with this quick hello as I try to find my rhythm again. I’ll see you soon with that 2024 travel recap!