Venga, Vale, Vamos Blog

Entre Flores… No More

If you’re looking for Entre flores, fandanguillos, y alegrías, no worries, you’re still in the right place! Since I’ll be moving out of the flores, fandanguillos, and alegrías-filled Andalucía and into Madrid, I’ve renamed...

Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Part III

I’m back with my third and final installment of my Istanbul trip recap! Haven’t read the rest yet? See part one here and part two here. Next up: Asia! First, let me brag for...

Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Part II

This past spring break, I took an unforgettable trip to Istanbul, Turkey. Missed the first part of my story? Read it here. The second full day in Istanbul began surprisingly sunny, and we started...

Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Part I

Semana Santa (Holy Week): a fascinating period of celebration in Spain, but also spring breeeaaaaak! I may have never had the stereotypical college spring break in Miami or Cancún, but I’d say my spring...

Gallivanting around Galicia

In March, my friends and I took advantage of some phenomenal Ryanair flight deals and visited a region of Spain I had never seen: the northwestern Galicia. Staying in Santiago de Compostela, we also...

Family Fun in Spain Part II

As I wrote about in my last post, my family paid a visit to me in Spain in March, which turned out to be a truly wonderful week. Here’s the second (and final) part...

Family Fun in Spain (and Gibraltar) Part I

In March, I was joined by my wonderful mom and sister, who spent a week getting to know my lovely Sevilla and exploring other parts of Spain. Despite their lack of sleep after a...

Forza Italia!

Spending a month in Spain the summer before my senior year of high school was a life-changing experience: it instilled in me a life-long love in Spain that, obviously, has had quite an impact...