Venga, Vale, Vamos Blog

Auxiliares students

Can’t Keep Me Away

In just over two months, guess where I’ll be headed. The answer is shocking, I know. Back to Spain! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m lucky enough to be returning to Spain to spend another...

Discovering Galicia and the Rias

I may have spent most of my time in Spain in Andalucía or Madrid, but all of Spain is completely stunning and travel-worthy. Today’s post is a guest post from about the beautiful...

Travel, La Roja, and California!

It’s been a while, but I wanted to provide a quick update on my past few weeks and what’s coming up for me. Two weeks ago, I had my last day of teaching at...

Exploring Extremadura

All other political beliefs aside, I have one big reason to be strongly opposed to Spain’s new president, Mariano Rajoy: he’s declared a war on puentes. As I’ve mentioned before, puentes, literally translated to...