Venga, Vale, Vamos Blog

My ABCs of Travel

All right, so I wasn’t tagged, but I saw this survey posted on Christine in Spain and just had to do it! It takes me back to the good old days of LiveJournal memes....

El Twee-Tair

Many of you have already seen this on Facebook or Twitter, but I’ve launched a new Twitter account specifically to document my adventures in Spain! As I found the last time I was in...

Sevilla es de cine

Sevilla es de cine

Want a glimpse of the stunning city I’ll get to call home in less than two weeks? These are from the RTVA documentary series Andalucía es de cine that highlights the wonders of the...

10 Things I’ll Miss Most About America

Yes, I love Spain. And, yes, I annoy the crap out of friends and family comparing Spain to the U.S. (it’s classic study abroad alumni syndrome: [condescending voice] “Ohhh, right, that’s how it’s done...

Old Friends & Anticipation

When I began writing this post on Friday (but ended up getting distracted and only getting back to it now!), it was two years to the day since I was flying to Spain for...

100 Montaditos

Visa, Meet-Up, South America, and Montaditos

I have a visa! Like, an actual, tangible visa! Considering how grueling and stressful this whole process was, it’s a major relief. On Sunday, a bunch of fellow auxiliares met at Westwood Brewing Company...

Visa Appointment DONE

Hallelujah, my visa appointment is done and over with! The stress over obtaining a visa has been quietly gnawing at me for the past four months or so, and I suppose I won’t be...

Stonehenge Summer Solstice Festival

London + Stonehenge Summer Solstice Festival

Believe it or not, more than a year later, I still haven’t finished writing about my 2009-2010 trips, and also believe it or not, I do plan to finish posting about them! Only two...