Venga, Vale, Vamos Blog

Amsterdam by night


Look at me, finally getting all caught up on this blog! I hope you aren’t suffering from Kirstie overload, because I’m back to write about my trip to Amsterdam in April. The trip started...

Il Scoppio del Carro, Florence, Italy

Italy Round Two

I have my first final exam of the semester in about two and a half hours, but I’m feeling pretty well prepared for it, so I’m allowing myself a break from studying to write...


While my first semester in Spain involved a lot of traveling to foreign countries, my second semester has been characterized by travel throughout Spain. My second trip of the semester was to Valencia to...


I guess technically my next trip after Paris was home to California, which was fantastic, but since that’s not as fun to read about as my European adventures, I’ll continue with Barcelona. Robin, Jessica...

Complutense University, Madrid

End of Classes

Yesterday was my last day of classes in Spain, and though I still have two final projects and three exams before I’m done with the school year, I can feel things coming to an...

Paris Part II

Oops, it’s been way too long since my Paris Part I post, but I’ve been busy writing a 50-page paper (blech), traveling (yay!), and celebrating my 21st birthday (woohoo!). But I’m back to continue...

Mallorca, Spain

Two Months

Exactly two months from now, I’ll be on a plane back to California. For good. Well, not for good for good, because I’m sure I’ll come back to Spain at some point in some...