Things I’ll Miss About Madrid
I’m sure I’ll think of a million more items to add to this list, but, for now, some of the things I’ll miss most about this place:
- Feelings triumphant when I speak Spanish well
- Traveling almost every weekend for ridiculously cheap prices
- Cobblestone streets
- Botellones (and in general being able to hang out in parks all night without the police assuming you’re doing something illegal)
- Awesome public transportation and the best metro I’ve ever seen
- 100 Montaditos and its €1 Wednesdays
- Kebab restaurants on every corner
- Tortilla española
- Taking a bajillion photos
- Meals that last hours because people sit and relax and socialize
- The general laid-back atmosphere
- My EAP friends
- Churros con chocolate

Churros con chocolate
- Giving dos besos when greeting people
- Chinos (the questionably-named stores)
- Toques, even if regular phone calls are way more convenient
- Using the word “vale” about every other word
- Lots and lots of fabulous parks
- Streets being packed even at 4am
- Warm summer nights
- El Rastro
- People being really passionate about fútbol
- Being a short walk away from my friends’ pisos
- Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor
- Having only 12 hours of class a week and virtually no other responsibilities
- Frequently being called “guapa” by old ladies and creepy men
- Sangría as an alcohol alternative for lightweights
- Engrish shirts like Blanco’s “I’m in subconsciusly coastline”
- Cheap crema al cacao (store-brand Nutella)
- Being able to walk everywhere important
- Sol
- Strangers sounding less ignorant because of the language barrier
- Everything being much later, like dinner at 10pm and being able to go to sleep late and sleep in
- Old people who are active and always out and about
- Jaywalking
- Being neighbors with the Royal Palace
- Colloquial terms like “joder,” “hombre,” and “coño”
- The street signs, each with their own individual artwork

A street sign. They may make it difficult to navigate the city, but they’re so cute! (photo credit)
- Being able to act awkward/foolish/whatever with the excuse that it’s just because I’m foreign
- Constantly meeting new people from all over the world
- Planning trips
- Tapas, especially the free ones they serve with drinks
- Flamenco music (even if it’s not as common in Madrid as it is in Andalucía)
- Always feeling pretty safe at any time of day
- The majority of buildings, even unimportant apartment buildings, looking like architectural masterpieces
- Walking anywhere and seeing cute restaurant after cute restaurant, unique store after unique store, instead of long stretches of houses or office buildings like we have in the U.S
- Knowing that this is the best time of my life